Pergh's Character Redesign Battle 122 : Sol Badguy
I'm gonna do this without a mention on my 2 months of no, just bare with me if you can. :areallycutesmileyface:
This is a character re-design of Sol Badguy. A character which in my circle is quite famous actually in the Guilty Gear game, but not to to I am not a games addict...yet.
So, don't blame me for my shallow interpretation of this guy, ok?
(Truth is, i'm still annoyed by his name..ahahaha..)
Enuff meaningless typing to self, and here it is, done with pencil and ink..
..and this is Chiko's color version of it ;
A great many thanks and appreciation to Chiko for his support and effort. Although this colored version didn't make it to the poll, his talent and 'coloring spirit' are really inspiring.
p/s : I can't wait for another colaboration with this guy!
sudah lama berdiam sikalang baru nak update!!!lalalalalalaal~
ahahaha...ini adalah kerana terlebih vitamin M..
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